'The Desire/Divinity Project' - Marisa Michelson and Constellation Chor at historical Judson

February 1, 2 & 3 at Judson Memorial Church.
Marisa Michelson's Desire/Divinity Project embodies the joyful and aching tension between earthly and divine love by musicalizing the Western worlds oldest erotic poem ("Song of Songs") and Anne Carson's visceral translation of Sappho's fragments. Fifteen singer-movers, members of Constellation Chor, explore singing as a way of merging the interior self with the exterior world. A mixture of live music video, opera, oratorio, and ritual, Desire/Divinity enlivens the sensual and the sacred, the body and the spirit. Conceived, composed and performed by Marisa Michelson Directed by Ethan Heard Movement Direction by Emma Crane Jaster Collaborating performers: Jen Anaya Nikko Benson Kinga Cserjesi Chad Goodridge Tamrin Goldberg Aubrey Johnson Luisa Muhr Sarah Beth Pfeiffer Heath Saunders Shawn Shafner Kalliope Siamidou Jason Tam Instrumentalists: Bansuri Flute/Wind/Reed - Pawan Benjamin Cello - Brian Sanders Drums - Jay Sawyer The Desire/Divinity Project is developed with support from The Ted and Mary Jo Shen Charitable Gift Fund, Judson Memorial Church, Heartbeat Opera, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Tickets: https://ddproject.brownpapertickets.com