WASSER WORKS at The Stone, October 2nd, 8:30pm - UPDATE

Luisa is honored to perform WASSER WORKS at the original Stone (run by composer John Zorn) before it will move to its new home at the New School.
WASSER WORKS is a newly created first piece and music-improvisation-exploration dedicated to Austrian artist/architect/activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser with some of Luisa's own texts, focusing on the element of Water and its many different qualities. Dealing with the question: What is Water before we try to change it?
Join us for this unique and magical collaboration of Luisa, drummer/percussionist Richie Barshay and vibraphonist/marimbist Patricia Brennan. You don't want to miss this, so mark it down in your calendars! Monday, October 2, 8:30pm
The Stone
Avenue C & 2nd street, New York, NY 10009
Admission at the door prior to the performance.
Please be advised: Although it is a Monday night The Stone will be open! Full calendar and info about The Stone here: http://thestonenyc.com