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vocal & movement performer/improviser/installation artist/
performance artist/sound artist/composer/experimental theater maker
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This website is as much up to date as possible, however, please also feel free to contact me directly, join my newsletter and/or find me on social media @luisa.muhr for a full current schedule.
Find/follow me on social media:
Instagram: @luisa.muhr (

Yiddish New York (YNY) Faculty
Luisa is happy to be part of this year's Yiddish New York Faculty (theater section). Adaptations into Yiddish will include excerpts of...

Full Moon Choir Performance Dec. 11, 7:30pm at JACK in Brooklyn
Luisa is happy to join the Full Moon Choir under Ryan Johnstone and Mariel Berger. The Choir will perform several pieces and will back up...

New FENGARI Ensemble Production 'Albright' announced
Luisa's theater and performing arts company FENGARI Ensemble is excited to announce its next summer production Albright, a new play by...

A long awaited opportunity! Scholarship to work with Meredith Monk at the Garrison Institute
Luisa is excited about having received a scholarship to work with Meredith Monk at the Garrison Institute this December. More information...

Alchemical Theatre Laboratory with Carlo Altomare from the Living Theater
Luisa has just finished the 6-week workshop series at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory with Carlo Altomare from the Living Theater and...

Kasperltheater at Deutsches Haus NYU
Luisa is honored to be hired by NYU to perform the German Kasperltheater at Deutsches Haus NYU. For young and old! September 8th at 5pm...

Performance of Bobe Mayses excerpt at Klezkanada
This is just a taste of the performance of an excerpt of Bobe Mayses at Klezkanada 2016. Luisa was portraying one of the grumpy twins...

KlezKanada Scholarship recipient!
Luisa is happy to announce that she has received the KlezKanada scholarship 2016. Luisa is a former recipient of the KlezKanada...

Leo’s Fest (August 13, 2016) in Berndorf, Austria
An event about culture, language and migration, this Fest will combine small performances and contributions of people of different...

New Recordings on Soundcloud
New old Yiddish jam tunes from March with Claudio Morsella on guitar on Luisa's soundcloud! Enjoy!

SunRa Returns! Jazz Puppet Opera
Luisa was invited to help directing this crazy beautiful piece of art. PS 3, The Bedford Village School, located at 50 Jefferson Avenue...

Thank you for supporting us on Indiegogo!
Luisa and FENGARI Ensemble would like to thank everyone who came out to see COCKPIT at West Park Presbyterian Church and who supported...

New Poster for FENGARI Ensemble's production COCKPIT
Featuring the art of Berliner artist Sarah Illenberger. Click here to buy tickets for either April 7, 8, or 9: TICKETS We are looking...

FENGARI Ensemble Workshop Series: ACTING FOR DANCERS Workshop with Luisa Muhr - May 9 & 10
Luisa is happy to announce the first of the FENGARI Ensemble Workshop Series 2-Day ACTING INTENSIVE for DANCERS and CHOREOGRAPHERS. May...

Tickets on Sale for FENGARI Ensemble's COCKPIT NOW!
Click here to buy tickets for either April 7, 8, or 9: TICKETS We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Yiddish concert at Kava Shteeble
When: February 25th, 7:45pm Where: Kava Shteeble, 94 Ralph Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221 Luisa will sing Yiddish traditional songs backed up...

Long Island Press features 'Dolores'
Long Island Press featured Dolores. (Click here to read; once clicked scroll to the bottom of page.) Many thanks to Christopher...

Review on 'Dolores'
A great review on Dolores by writer and actor Carrie Robinson (Interview2Inspire). Read review here.

Luisa and FENGARI Ensemble are featured with production 'Dolores' on SALON RADIO on City Wor
Luisa and Marissa Ghavami joined Heidi Russell in her Internation Women Artists' Salon Series on City World Radio to talk about FENGARI...

Click here to purchase tickets!

Freedom to Act 2016 Work/Study
Luisa is happy to have been selected as one of the Work/Study participants at the Alexander Technique Conference Freedom to Act...

'Dolores' Indiegogo Campaign
Dearest friends, We really need your help! We have finally launched our Indiegogo campaign to raise money for our first production:...

Work/Study at Mark Morris Dance Group
Luisa is excited for having been selected as one of 12 people to become a work/study faculty member at the Mark Morris Dance Group Faculty.

Work/Study at Yiddish New York
Luisa is proud to have been selected to be a work/study participant at the Yiddish New York Festival and therefore serving her community...
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